Wednesday, June 29, 2011

So, I had a thought yesterday. It was amazing and went a little something like this:

"I really wish I could _____________".

Amazing, I know. To be honest, I think I have that thought every fucking day. I pretty much never do the "_________________" either.

Until something happened.

(insert flashback here)

I have had my bestie for a loooooooong time. In fact, our daughters are besties, too. For the past 7 years, we have lived in the same teensy tiny town. For the past year and a half, she has lived 4 doors down. Charming I know. My kids go to her house for dinner when I don't feel like cooking, and we "run away" together for a diet coke to escape life for an hour. I love her gram like she is my own, and we often celebrate holidays together. Our families are all part of the game, giving kids rides to activities, rides to the airport, babysitting, egg-borrowing, baby-shower-gift co-giving, lawn mower borrowing, stamp borrowing, little white-lying, does this make me look fat, secrets, laughter, inside jokes, panicked phone calls, hospital visits, packing, moving, crying, missing, get the idea.


It just so happens that this friendship came with alot of baggage. It was getting out of controll. Out. Of. Controll.

There are those type of people that drain. She was one. Was.

"I wish I could get out of this funk and be happy"

She was my funk.

I really really really hate that I had to break up with her. Seriously. But I cannot tell you how much better I feel.

So....this is the begining. I feel that if I can dump my bestie, I should really start re-evaluating the rest of my funk. And getting rid of it.